Our Groups and Clubs

Little Lambs Pre-School
We are a small friendly Pre-School for ages 2-4 years, open all year round.
Please see our website below for more information and availability for your child.
Website: www.LittleLambsMytchett.co.uk
Email: surreyheathchildcare@gmail.com

Zumba with Samantha
Get your heart pumping and your body moving with Zumba with Samantha! With a mix of Latin and contemporary music, you'll be grooving, smiling and sweating in no
Come and join our fun friendly classes and experience the joy of Zumba every
Saturday at 8.30am at the Mytchett Centre.
Just simply message to book and for payment details
Class cost £6 (PAYG)
All welcome (16 and over)
Text or WhatsApp 07941 435721

Mels Pilates
I have been teaching Pilates for 15 years and enjoy taking clients on a fitness journey which involves increasing flexibility, strength and general well being!
All classes are mixed level as i adjust all exercises to suit each client!
Tel: 07775975844
Email mel@melspilates.co.uk
Website www.melspilates.co.uk
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/pilatesisthewaytogo

Paul Sykes Big Band
The Paul Sykes Big Band perform an exciting programme of popular swing and jazz favourites at their relaxed monthly, cabaret style Sunday evening Concerts at the Mytchett Centre.
Tel: +44 (0)1276 29740
Mobile: + 44 (0)7971 187274
Email: info@paulsykesbigband.co.uk
Website: www.paulsykesbigband.co.uk

Jackie's School of Dance
Jackie’s school of Dance offers Dance classes in RAD Ballet, ISTD Tap, Modern, Jazz, Musical Theatre and Acrobatic Arts. We have various age and abilities in each dance discipline and always welcome new talent and enthusiasm to our school. Our school has grown extremely popular and we pride ourselves of our supportive, fun and happy learning environment.
Website www.jackiesschoolofdance.com

Phoenix Choir
Singing Contemporary Songs Our Way
We meet every Thursday from 8:00pm -10:00pm
Everybody is welcome, no audition necessary
Interested in joining us? See our website for more information

The Playmakers
The Playmakers are an amateur dramatics society based in Mytchett. We produce an annual pantomime in January and a Summer Play in June or July.
Our ‘young playmakers’ take part in pantomime and either support our main summer production or have a production of their own.
A warm and friendly welcome awaits all potential members who wish to get involved in every capacity, both on and off stage.

Lisa's Lines
Established Line Dancing classes for line dancers. Please contact Lisa for class details before attending.
email laughterlines@ntlworld.com

Surrey and Hants Tai Chi
Surrey and Hants Tai Chi is a friendly, professional Tai Chi & Qigong school offering separate classes for new beginners and joiners with previous experience. Booking in advance is essential so please contact us on
Tel: 07855 850427
Email: SurreyAndHantsTaiChi@hotmail.co.uk
Website surreyandhantstaichi.co.uk
Hope to meet you soon.

Kay9 Services
FUN, KIND, FAIR AND EFFECTIVE TRAINING, serving the dog owners of Surrey/Hampshire borders and the world online!
Owned & run by Kay Attwood and veterinary recommended, Kay9® Services offers first class professional dog training instruction and canine behavioural advice in a relaxed, friendly and fun atmosphere.
Obedience Classes for all levels, 121 Home Training, Behaviour modification.
Tel 0775 8288 478 / 01252 645110
Email info@kay9services.co.uk
Website www.kay9services.co.uk

Three Counties Crib League
The Three Counties Club Crib League
The Mytchett Centre currently runs two crib teams from the Centre and we always welcome new players.
The league plays all it's games on a Wednesday evening starting at 8.30, usually finishing around 10.30. All matches are played at local venues.
Tel: John Newbury 07754 670869

Woody Paws
Woody Paws off dog training and walking, along with pet sitting services.
Ready. Set. Train.
We will provide you with tools and methods to teach your pet how to be a well-mannered companion. Classes are small to maximise your learning experience, only force free training methods used. Classes are great fun for you and your pup!
Website woodypaws.com

Yogabellies for Mums and Babies
YogaBellies for Mum & Baby is a class that's just as much for mum as it is for baby. Come and have a giggle, ease yourself back into exercise, meet some other local mums and babies and do it all surrounded by twinkly fairy lights, aromatherapy and forget about the world. Expect songs and yoga for baby, but also yoga safely adapted for you to do postnatally either on your own or together depending on what mood baby is in on the day.
Website: https://yogabellies.com/teachers/tash-ralphs-2/
The Swing Dance Company
The Swing Dance Company teaches adult evening SwingJive lessons and organises related social events, including fabulous tea dances at The Mytchett Centre. Find out when the next tea dance is coming up by visiting our website using the link below.
Contact form https://theswingdancecompany.co.uk/contact/

Modern Jive Kings
Welcome to the Modern Jive Kings!
We hold regular, Wednesday, dance nights at Mytchett Community Centre and we would love to welcome you into our dance community.
Dancing is a great way to meet new people, create friendships and help relieve the stresses of our hectic lives. Even if you think you've got two left feet Modern Jive is easy to learn and we often say if you can walk you can dance!
For more details please visit our website and Facebook page
email - contact@modernjivekings.co.uk
website - www.modernjivekings.co.uk

Moves Fitness
Fitness for life
Former Olympic athlete, Cindy Gilbert, started the movement to help men and women like you find authentic joy in exercise online and in your local community.
This programme really suits all ages and fitness levels as our highly qualified instructors offer lots of options so that the exercises will fit your needs. Moves Fitness is designed to be super fun – come and join us and find out why thousands have made Moves Fitness their No 1 exercise choice and work out for life. Thursdays 6pm to 7pm.
Book via https://bookwhen.com/movesfitness-alison
Office: 07432 712 110

Frimley and MytchettTownswomen's Guild
A friendly group of ladies who meet here on the 1st Thursday of each month @ 1.45pm – 4.15pm for talks, demonstrations & chat with tea & biscuits.
For further information please visit our Facebook page or contact
Julie – 01276 676305
Joan – 01252 834459

C&D Music Tea Dances
Our tea dances are most first and third Mondays of the month, and we dance ballroom,Latin and popular sequence dances.
For more details please contact:
email dichrisbrown@gmail.com
tel 01483 531522

Pets Behaving Badly
Pets Behaving Badly is a friendly, knowledgeable and experienced service proud to offer small, family friendly fun dog classes run by Catherine, who is a fully qualified Animal Behaviourist and APDT Registered Dog Trainer (APDT Member UK1373).
Email: info@petsbehavingbadly.co.uk
Tel: 07976036482

Farnborough and District u3a
The Farnborough & District u3a is a member of the National Third Age Trust, an organisation that aims to provide learning, leisure and social opportunities, mainly for people of retirement age.
The Farnborough U3A offers a wide range of activities for its members to enjoy. The Mytchett Centre is the venue for one of its Table Tennis groups and sessions are held every other Thursday afternoon. The leader of this group is Chris Dadson.
Tel: 01252 651207
email: chrisdadson20@gmail.com
Website: www.u3afarnborough.org.uk
Pet Connected
We offer puppy and pet dog training.
Courses are 5 weeks on Wednesday evenings starting at either 6.30pm or 7.45pm.
Qualified instructors (APDTUK01495)
Friendly, small classes, places limited
Tel: Jackie 07837 359 161
or Chelsea 07833 021 251