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MCA Upcoming Events

These events are organised by the Mytchett Community Association. Members have access to tickets 48 hours before general sales open
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Let's get the party started! Children and grown-ups gather round for a 'School's Out' celebration disco.

There are prizes up for grabs.....who will win the prize for BEST CRAZY HAIR (children) or BEST SCHOOL UNIFORM (grown-ups)

The last day of term is soon upon us, so grab your tickets while you can.


Saturday 29th July at 7pm


Tickets £3 from (booking fee applies)


You survived the school summer holiday!

Come and celebrate at our adult only Survivors disco of the decades.

Optional fancy dress - pick your era.


Saturday 9th Spetember at 7.30pm.


Tickets £5 from (booking fee applies)


Blue and Green Playful Summer Fair Facebook Post_edited.jpg

Fun for all the family!


Stalls, games, dog show, raffle, stalls, food and drink.


From 12 - 4pm. Free entry, parking £1 per vehicle.


We want to say a massive thank you to all NHS, carers, frontliners and volunteers who work so hard for us. What better way than a fabulous disco party!

Free £5 bar voucher and raffle ticket with each £5 entry ticket.


Saturday 21st October at 7.30pm


Tickets £5 from (booking fee applies)

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